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Why even the liberal media wants Donald Trump to win

Why even the liberal media wants Donald Trump to win

[dvk_social_sharing] Controversy sells. And since Donald Trump has entered the presidential race, hell, since he’s been alive, the media has earned good money on the controversy he spews. The 2016 election being the major example of this as it has been setting records...

Positive and Cognitive Psychology Exercises

Positive and Cognitive Psychology are the branches that seem to be making it all relevant to your life. Scientists create exercises that are designed to change the way you think about things and thereby improve your experience in life without having anything actually...

Tony Robbins

This guy is incredible. Some human beings are super-human beings. More importantly, this super-human being is here to help you in life. He is someone people feel strongly about because he feels strongly about everything. There are other self-help leaders but Robbins...

Otto says “Don’t call me stupid”

One of the best comedy movies of all time makes light of the fact that we all want to be seen as smart by our peers. Sure we want them to think we’re good-looking too, but intelligence is more permanent and has a special prestige to it. When we are dumb we feel...

Matt Ridley’s The Rational Optimist

With so much negativity in the media, Matt Ridley presents a very solid case for optimism. Playing on many of the same themes as Robert Wright in Non-Zero, Matt Ridley shows us Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” at work in the market forces of trade and...

Green Eggs and Ham

In Quanology I talk about how every bit of information in the world is trying to improve the rate of proliferation of the genes of its purveyor. Everything is taking sides. Even the innocuous book Green Eggs and Ham. Information helps people, it helps groups, but it...